If You Are Willing

“let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead–by this name this man stands here before you in good health. “He is the STONE WHICH WAS REJECTED by you, THE BUILDERS, but WHICH BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone.
“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”

ACTS 4:10-12

And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said,
“Lord if you are willing, You can make me clean.”
Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, I am willing; be cleansed.”
And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Matthew 8:2,3

Dr. Thompson in his famous work, “The Land and the Book,” speaks of lepers in the East and says, “The hair falls from the head and eyebrows; the nails loosen, decay and drop off; joint after joint of the fingers and toes shrink up and slowly fall away. The gums are absorbed, and the teeth disappear. The nose, the eyes, the tongue and the palate are slowly consumed.” The disease turns a man into a mass of loathsomeness. Leprosy is nothing better than a horrible and lingering death.”

The man had as much poison in him as one poor body could contain; and yet he believed that Jesus of Nazareth could make him clean. If you are full of sin, if your propensities and habits have become untamable, I pray the Holy Spirit to give you the faith enough to believe that the Son of God can forgive you and renew you. Jesus can turn your death into life, your corruption into beauty.

Faith must be fixed on Jesus alone, for there is “no other name given among men whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Jesus is God’s ultimatum of salvation: the unique hope of guilty men and women both as to pardon and as to renewal.

Yet, there are some that even love their leprosy – men and women who do not wish to be saved from doing evil. They would like to go to heaven, but they must have their drunken frolics, their fornications and adulteries, their greed and worldly lusts. They would like to be saved but not from the sin that is the cause of it.

None of us can imagine that this leper meant that the Lord Jesus could make him comfortable in remaining a leper. Some came to fancy that Jesus came to let us go on in our sins with a quiet conscience. His salvation is cleansing from sin, and if we love sin, we are not saved from it.

We cannot have justification without sanctification. There must be a radical change, a change of heart, or else we are not saved. Just as this leper needed a thorough physical change, so do you need an entire renewal of your spiritual nature so as to become a new creature in Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the Living God who can be moved to compassion for those who are forlorn and lost, full of evil and self-condemned, those who are leprous with sin. Not you who are self-righteous! You yield Him no space to display His miraculous force. You who are whole have no need of a physician (Matthew 9:12).

Be hopeful then, those laden with guilt and conscious of their depravity, you furnish the empty vessels into which His grace maybe poured, the sick souls upon whom He may display His matchless power to bless and to save. This leper shall be a picture – I hope a mirror – in whom you will see yourself. May God grant you the faith to fall on your knees, and cry to Him, “Lord if you are willing, You can make me clean.”

(Excerpted from “The Lord and the Leper” by Charles Haddon Spurgeon)

email: lyndeutsch@gmail.com

Photography Prints


“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,”
Romans 1:16

I’m so blessed with this video and I would like to share it with you.

Amazing video of how God used a missionary in Iran to save his executioners!

“It is in the quiet crucible of your personal private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God’s greatest gifts are given..” Wintley Phipps

Photography Prints

By Horatio G. Spafford and Philip P. Bliss

Painting by Lyn Deutsch 2008
16″ x 16″ coffee, acrylics, mixed media on board

I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. Psalm 31:7


My entry today is a testimony of a lovely lady, a dear friend, and kindred in spirit, Miss Cheree Miller.

“She is a single parent who left the fast-paced California lifestyle behind 6 years ago, and now lives on 15 beautiful acres in the Arkansas countryside.

By day, she works as a practice manager for a veterinary specialty surgeon. She is a prolific writer, contributing to on-line article directories as well as maintaining several blogs and websites of her own on a variety of subjects.

Cheree is an active member of her church, Russellville Christian Center, where she can often be found volunteering her services as a greeter, or running the projector, or singing on the Praise & Worship Team.”


She has asked me if she could use some of my paintings to create a meditation video. I’m very blessed and honored to have my paintings featured in this video.


“I was raised a Christian, and then sowed some wild oats from my late teens through my early 30’s. I walked my own path even questioning God’s existence.

I studied world religions and practiced Science of Mind even becoming a “reverend”. But God never gave up on me.

After my son was born, I tried to go back to church but found that I couldn’t deal with the reproach and judgment I received over the poor choices I had made when I turned my back on God.

But, He works in mysterious ways!

In December of 2003 I received a phone call from a veterinarian in Arkansas (I was born and raised and was still living in California at the time), asking my advice about a software program.

Over the next few months, we had several conversations.

In April I was asked if I would consider moving to Arkansas. In May I flew out to investigate. In June I accepted an offer and at the end of August I moved my 77 year old mother who was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, my 40 year old sister with Downs Syndrome and my 12 year old son to Arkansas.

Talk about God’s country! God’s spirit moved swiftly and strongly; guiding me, softening my heart and leading me back into a relationship with Him. In December of 2005 I found the church I call my home; and in 2006 I was baptized.

But that isn’t my testimony. That’s my past. That person died, and am a new creature. My testimony is that God is faithful, His mercy endures forever, and by His Love and Grace even though I once was lost, now I’m saved.”

Composed by John Newton
Arranged By Edwin O. Excell

Painting by Lyn Deutsch 2008
16″ x 16″ coffee, acrylics, mixed media
Original painting is sold.

God gives grace in the most emphatic sense. He is not compelled to be gracious by the force of our demands, but He often gives to those who have never asked of Him: “I am found of them that sought me not” (Isaiah 65:1)

We are not asked, in any sense to bring a price to God to purchase our pardon, justification, or eternal life. God freely gives His grace, expecting nothing in return, but we do as freely receive as He does freely bestow.

Do not reach into your bank account, for money is useless as to purchasing salvation. Give up on searching in your character or in your resolutions for some little recommendation.

Neither the coin of the rich nor the good works of the self-righteous is currency here. The free grace of God would be insulted by being put up to auction or set forth to sale. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Yes, there are heavenly prizes to run for, and to be obtained through divine help. There is a recompense of reward to which we are to look and a crown for which we are to strive, but the grace that forgives sin and works of faith is no prize for exertion but a gift to those without strength.

“So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy” (Romans 9:16).

Salvation is not granted to men as the result of anything they are, or do, or resolve to be, but is the undeserved gift of heaven. If it were of works, it would not be of grace; but it is of faith, that it might be of grace alone.

When God has given salvation, the deed is done and can never be reversed. If your sin has been blotted out, it can never be written again! “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17).

If you have God, you have Him by an eternal holding. The blessings of pardon, justification, and eternal life are gifts without an “if” in the core of them.

“For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

(Excerpted from Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s preaching entitled “Grace for Grace”)

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Someone said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

I’m taking a break today from my ongoing series entitled, “Painting Inspired By A Photo”, to honor my best friend Tuesday Marie Soriano.

We came to know each other over twenty years ago.  A lot of things happened in our own individual lives, shared and unshared, but the friendship that has grown through the years is a treasure I cherish and thank God for.

With permission, I am honored and privileged to post her life testimony in this site.  It is a  life that has been touched by God,  transformed by His power, and being molded for her good and destined for His glory.

To you dear reader, it is my prayer that God may draw you near and that you may come to a seeking knowledge of His saving grace.   My hope lies not from the freedom of your will but from God’s sovereignty and the freeness of His infinite love and grace.

Mapped Out for Life

I received the Lord out of sheer desperation.

I am the eldest of 5 children. My mom was a public school teacher, my dad, a court stenographer, a baker, a house builder, a jack of all trades. My dad lost his job during my teenage years and my mom’s meager income sustained the family until she retired.

I did well during my primary and high school years. But lacking sufficient funds to send me to college, and hoping I would take over in providing for the family, my dad pulled strings to get me into college under a scholarship program.

But I was too shortsighted, only interested in hanging out with friendly classmates who taught me how to drink and smoke and took me to parties. After a year and a half of college, I dropped out.

My dad was furious and threatened to pull a gun to my head. Fearing for my life, my lola bought me a one way ticket to Manila. I was 19 when I boarded the plane. I felt excited and apprehensive, and unrealistically thought I would easily find work. Fortunately, my mom had called an uncle to pick me up at the airport. Had she not done that, I would have ended wandering the streets.

I lived with my uncle for a few months until I found work at a small American company. On the side, I joined an escort service agency. The job sounded simple and easy enough—accompanying or escorting corporate executives to meetings and events wherever in the world—naively thinking that it was a fun and great way to meet a prospective boyfriend.

I saw that men were interested in me and thought they were sincere in their intentions whenever they said ‘I love you”. I enjoyed their attention and did not realize that they fed my deep desire to be accepted and loved.

One of these men became a steady relationship that lasted a few months. I was reckless and didn’t consider the consequences of my actions. I was 20 when I became pregnant. The father of my baby chose to marry another woman.

Being unmarried and pregnant at that time was unacceptable, seen by society as a disgrace. As a result, I lost my job, most of my so-called friends disappeared, and I soon ended without a single cent in my pocket.

Of course, I couldn’t go home to Cebu and approach my parents for help. My dad had repeatedly said that he’d shoot me if I brought home with me an illegitimate child. So I relied on friends to get by. A former roommate took pity on me and shared her small room with me.

On the 8th month of my pregnancy, friends introduced me to an American missionary couple who were training Filipino students in Manila to be Christian missionaries. The couple shared the gospel with me and sobbing uncontrollably, I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.

Jim Peck, the mission center administrator, and his wife Nancy, became my foster parents. They took me into their home at the mission center compound in Bulacan. I had my meals with the missionary students and while waiting to give birth, I helped out in the mission center office.

On May 1982, I gave birth at a small local hospital. Nancy Peck later testified that I had given birth lying on newspapers. All I remember was the great discomfort and pain.

Raising a baby on my own was more difficult than I imagined. Deep within me, I vowed I’d never let this happen to me again.

A month later, the Pecks endorsed me to a foster Filipino family who kindly took me and my baby into their home. They treated me like family and as soon as I was able, I went back to work and found a place to rent.

I earned too little to hire a babysitter or helper and without help, I couldn’t leave the baby alone while I worked. A cousin offered to help by taking my son and bringing him to their home in the province where her mom, my aunt, cared for him.

I soon forgot I had a child and did not send support faithfully.

Of course, being “single” once again swept me into the Manila party scene.

In 1985, friends introduced me to a Singaporean who worked at one of the top hotels in Manila then. I didn’t exactly like him at first but somehow, we ended up talking and burning the phone lines with nonsense conversation and dating regularly.

A few months later, he joined a Swedish hotel chain as head of their food and beverage operations in Xian, China. To cut a long story short, we ended up living together.

During the next 10 years, from 1985 to 1994, he moved from being food and beverage manager and became general manager of several hotels.

I lived a pampered life as the general manager’s wife—I didn’t need to wash dirty dishes, I didn’t need to scrub floors, I didn’t need to do the laundry. My business was to look good and play the part of the supportive spouse.

While he worked in hotels, I worked with foreign embassies that hired expatriate wives as staff. We traveled all over the world on holiday breaks.

On our 10th year together, at the peak of his career, he was assigned to manage one of the top hotels in Hong Kong. We planned to get married before moving only because it would be difficult to obtain a resident visa for me. In any case, this never happened.

While waiting, I flew to Cebu to take a short break and visit family. During a routine medical check, I learned I was pregnant. Because we didn’t plan on having a baby, the pregnancy made me feel both excited and apprehensive.

He made room for the baby in the future apartment in HK while I waited it out in Cebu because it was a sensitive pregnancy. I was advised not to travel if I wanted to keep the baby.

On the 8th month of my pregnancy, on his birthday, I called to greet him a happy birthday. And in response, he told me simply that he was confused, that he’d decided to cut off the relationship, and that he wanted out. After 10 years together.. I was shocked.

I was asked not to worry. I was told to be strong, I was told I would do fine—convenient and empty words, utterly irresponsible and under the circumstances, absolutely absurd.

For a split second, I wanted to slice my bulging belly off.

It seemed like God was playing a joke on me. Because the circumstances were, in my view, absurd and abrupt, I thought it was temporary. I thought it was a mood swing. One day he will return, I thought. But then that one day became a week, weeks became months, months became years.

Through the years, I struggled and tried to go through each day without feeling so helpless, hopeless and lonely and down and feeling miserable.

He had shipped all my clothes to me. These were all I got for the 10 years of being together. The parallel wasn’t lost on me. For the second time around, I ended with nothing, with not a single cent, and no job. Only this time, I was with my family.

I bore my child in 1995, a beautiful boy, perfectly carved from head to toe. But the pain of childbirth seemed magnified by the hurt in my heart.

Despite his decision, the father of my baby flew to Cebu for the birth and signed the birth certificate. He stayed until my baby and I were well enough to leave the hospital.

At home after he left, I laid my baby on the bed and said through tears, “Well, kid, it’s just you and me now.” And this little baby looks at me and gave me this most beautiful smile.. I’ll never forget.

Six months later, I went back to work and tried rebuilding my life. I was 34 then. And I was desperate. I recall sitting alone in a huge Catholic church in the city, praying for relief, seeking to be comforted, needing to hear from God and each time, I’d leave still feeling empty.

By divine providence, in God’s perfect timing, an old friend I hadn’t seen in years visited me. We met at the bar in the hotel I worked in. By then, I was drinking and smoking heavily.

For 10 years, she said she faced poverty in the eye, often left with nothing in the cupboard. And on top of it, she had to cope with an adulterous husband and faced insurmountable debts. From practicing sorcery and the occult, she had become a believer in and a follower of Jesus Christ. Broken in spirit and stripped to nothing, she found it easier to yield and accept the Lord as her savior and Lord. She found freedom from fear of anything and anyone. Despite the ordeal she’d been through, she found peace, and best of all, she spoke of being loved.

She looked me in the eye and said, look to Christ, he heals. Let your goal be God himself, not peace, not joy, not religion, not cleansing nor blessings, but God himself.  His terms are quite simple—that you go to Him, not He come to you, for He already has made himself available to you.  It is you who must say, “I want you in my life. You come into my life, Lord.”

She held my hands and said, “God loves you. The Bible says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’”

She said that I did not need to do anything or get cleaned up before I approach Him. All I needed to do was accept Christ and his cross and believe that what God says, he will do.

Sobbing my guts out, I gave my life to Christ in total surrender. I recall praying, Lord, if you are indeed real, hear my prayer. I’m sorry for all my sins. I believe Jesus is your son and I believe he died on the cross for me. I now accept your gift of eternal life. From today, do what you wish of my life.

My life since then changed irrevocably. By the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, I quit smoking right there and then. I stopped being irritable and angry at the world. I started reading the bible. I wanted to know more and more about the ways of God. I couldn’t get enough of it, everywhere I went I carried with me a small player and listened to pastors’ preaching whenever I could. My family was surprised at the change in me and asked my friend what she did to me. Of course, it was God at work in me.

Through the years, God has been gracious in providing good jobs that earned more than enough to support my son and me.

From the day my baby was born in 1995 until now, I’ve been a multitasker—juggling between raising my child, at the same time working to earn a living, managing a household, and often fighting discouragement and frustration.

Along the way, I met several men who I thought were potential lifetime partners. But they turned out to be all wrong for me.

In 2007, I met another Christian man whom I thought was God’s will for a lifetime partner for me. But it wasn’t to be. Three times during the 2-year relationship, he would say ‘I love you’ and change his mind.

Somehow, this short obsessive relationship left me with this incredibly deep ache in my heart. It messed me up completely—and left me powerless, not knowing what to do, what to think, and how to stop hurting. The pain literally kept me awake all night and no matter how hard I tried, I just could not shake it off. I didn’t want to close my eyes to sleep because it seemed like this big dark hole was going to suck me into it. I cried desperately to God for help. I didn’t want to stay angry and hurt for the rest of my life.

Help came when I joined the Glorious Hope recovery program of Christ Commission Fellowship in Manila. Through the sessions, God showed me that because I was raised a spoiled brat, my issues were rooted in a fear of rejection and a deep desire to be accepted. And because I was manipulating circumstances toward what I wanted, I was distrusting God and did not believe that He is in control.

God took hold of my thoughts, filtered only those that were from Him, reprogrammed the distorted thoughts I had about Him, and showed me how to process my anger and hurt.

I realized that if God is indeed omniscient over my life, I must believe that He is also omniscient over my relationships. This means that no relationship should affect me more than God’s relationship with me.

Up until now, God has been gracious to show me how he loves me unconditionally. He has shown himself to be a sovereign God who is in control of my life when he led me to LCA as a school for my child and now to LCF as a church.

In this church, I have seen Christian love in action extended to me not just once but many times over. It is here that I’ve learned by faith to put my expectations in God and not in man.

It hasn’t been an easy journey but I found in Christ the source of love. He is my peace, my solace, my comfort, and my love. In him, I see the stark contrast between man’s love which is inconsistent, changing, and unstable, and His that is consistent, constant, and faithful, a love that no man on earth can ever match, a love that does not abandon, a love that has my interests at heart, a love that responds and delivers without fear.

I was an angry and hurt person, sinful in every way, intent only in pleasing myself. But He gave me not just one, but two, three and many more chances and redeemed me at that cross.

Romans 8:1 says that there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

To God be all the glory.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away,reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

-1 Peter 1:3-5 NASB


24″ x 24″ Acrylic on Canvas

Lyn Deutsch 2007

Original Painting is available for sale.

Price: US$450



I am doubly proud, indebted,  and more than exhilarated as I make my entry today in this site.  Once more, I taste the goodness of a generous heart to allow me to paint one of her inspiring nature photos entitled  ”ENDLESS WATERFALLS”.

There are millions of artworks out there, but a knowledge about the artist, a personal encounter, and a developing connection, makes that art more  meaningful and valuable.

She is one of the few earth-keepers, who has a passion to save and protect nature and the environment.  Her works of art expose us to the gentle and the beautiful yet so vulnerable earth and life within.

She takes delight in small creatures like birds and butterflies, reaching  out to feel and exalt in the beauty that is around her.  Her reverence for life and creation, honors God who created the heavens and the earth.

The artist in her, notices the changing hues, shapes, textures, and fleeting lights that passes her horizon. “One day the valley looks calm and serene whereas  another day the clouds create an ominous approaching drama as they roll over the mountains.”

Meet Lara Ellis…a dear friend, a wonderful, kind, and beautiful woman, a worthy citizen of this world we live in.

Born in 1969 in Laguna Beach, California, USA, she now lives  in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley with her husband where she has been photographing nature scenes for the past 17 years.

Her works have been published in the 2011 Farmers & Merchant’s Bank  Calendar. She won 1st place in the 2007 Chincoteague Bay Trail’s End Photo Contest and Second and  an honorable mention in the 2006 Shenandoah Audubon Photo Contest.


Lara Ellis

Fine Art Photography

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The painting:

“For you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance.”

-Isaiah 66:11

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40′ x 30″ Acrylic on Canvas

Lyn Deutsch 2011

Original painting is available for sale

Price: US750


He split the rocks in the wilderness
And gave them abundant drink like the ocean depths.
He brought forth streams also from the rock
And caused waters to run down like rivers.
Yet they still continued to sin against Him,
To rebel against the Most High in the desert.
Psalm 78:15-17

“Yet “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Oh, for an angel’s tongue to tell of the wondrous mystery! My poor pen is quite unequal to the trememdous task.

How does one attempt to describe the grace that flashed so favorably from those languid eyes; the grace that fell in cleansing drops from those opened veins; the grace that poured in torrents from the pierced side; the grace that heaved and tossed and struggled convulsively in those tortured limbs; the grace that fought and wrestled and at last conquered in that anguished spirit; the grace that even began interceding for the transgressors as Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34); the grace that cried with a mighty voice, “It is finished” (John 19:30), before the Savior bowed His head and gave up His spirit; the grace that ascended out up on high, leading captivity captive and giving gifts unto men (Ephesians 4:8). Of this grace I dare not write upon further.

May it be your happy lot to sail upon the sea of grace, for fathom it you never can! May you drink from that fountain of grace, for you shall never be able to drink it dry! May God give you the bliss of knowing in your own experience how much grace abounds through the atoning sacrifice of Christ upon the cross!”
(From Grace Abounding by Charles Haddon Spurgeon,p52, Grace Abounding in a Believers Life compiled by Robert Hall copyright 1994, Lance C. Wubbels, published by Emerald Books).

(painted with permission from Vince Paala’s photo of Karekare Stream, NZ)



It was a few weeks before Christmas 1917. The beautiful snowy landscapes ofEurope wee blackened by war. The trenches on one side held the Germans and on the other side the trenches were filled with Americans. It was World War I. The exchange of gunshots was intense. Separating them was a very narrow strip of no-man’s land.

A young German soldier attempting to cross that no-man’s land had been shot and had become entangled in the barbed wire. He cried out in anguish, then in pain he continued to whimper. Between the shells all the Americans in that sector could hear him scream. When one American solder could stand it no longer, he crawled out of the American trenches and on his stomach crawled to that German soldier.

When the Americans realized what he was doing they stopped firing, but the Germans continued. Then a German officer realized what the young American was doing and he ordered his men to cease firing.

Now there was a weird silence across the no-man’s land. On his stomach, the American made his way to that German soldier and disentangled him. He stood up with the German in his arms, walked straight to the German trenches and placed him in the waiting arms of his comrades. Having done so, he turned and started back to the American trenches.

Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder that spun him around. There stood a German officer who had won the Iron Cross, the highest honor for bravery. He jerked it from his own uniform and placed it on the American, who walked back to the American trenches. When he was safely in the trenches, they resumed the insanity of war.

Author unknown
Stories for the Heart, compiled by Alice Gray (Portland: Multnomah Press, 1996), p. 27.